Well, the goals all serve a specific purpose. Some of them I'll judge myself on. These are often called 'Outcome Goals'. Some of them though, are there just to inspire me to ride my bike as much as I ought to if I'm truly serious about my Outcome Goals. Often, these intermediate goals are called 'Process' or 'Performance' goals. They exist purely to help me attain my outcome goals.
It's important for me to have a good mix of both Process and Outcome goals if I'm to reach my personal potential. In the past, for some reason, I've never taken my own advice. I've just ridden my bike whenever and wherever and hoped for the best. I've had limited success I suppose... but as 2014 could be my last chance to really see what I can do (future years are likely to see me employed as taxi driver for Harry my current 2.5 yr old), then I think that writing these goals down and advertising them to anybody who can be bothered to read my blog should keep me on the right track for one last crack!
Here they are again - with an explanation...
To complete the National Marathon Mountain Bike Championships
If you've never ridden a mountain bike marathon, then you should! It's an experience! Of all the disciplines in cycling, I personally think it's the one that requires the most endurance. Imagine riding a 4-5 hour time trial, flat out, by yourself, interspersed with 33% or more gradient, muddy climbs totalling 2-3000 metres of ascent!
This race is on May 10th. If I don't have a good endurance base, then there is no hope of getting round the course. I'm not bothered about getting a placing - but I am bothered about finishing respectably and not taking a short cut! Therefore, this is what I would consider a 'Process' goal. In fact, I used it today, to convince myself that riding for 5 hours in the howling wind was a good idea! Slightly regretted this move, when in the middle of a dark wood, I cam across this tree with a load of old shoes hanging off it (victims of some local psycho?!).
To achieve a 'fast' 10 mile time trial time
This goal for me really does matter. My personal best 10 mile time trial time of 22:01 (it was a hilly course!), has stood since 2001! I'm sure I can ride faster, but there's talking about it and then there's doing it! Weather (and therefore chances of riding fast) seem to be best from April to July in recent years, therefore I'll be planning a few 'fast course' time trials in around this time. Having to ride at a fast speed in these time trials should also help me to my final goal of the year.
To ride the 'Raid Pyrenean' sportive (Riding the event for Cyclists Fighting Cancer)
"720km cycling challenge from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, France, in 100hrs with 11,000m of ascent!"
Another process goal requiring me to up my miles towards the late summer in preparation for my final goal of the year. It's also a good opportunity to ride somewhere that I've never cycled before. More importantly than that though, It's also a ride that's in support of a cancer charity that I think is second-to-none in it's mission, organisation and tangible effect on lives. Cyclists Fighting Cancer (www.cyclistsfc.org.uk) give bikes, adapted tricycles and equipment to children and young people whose lives have been affected by cancer. Hopefully I'll be able to raise a few quid for them and someone, somewhere will be smiling just like I did as a young kid with wheelz!
To compete in the Team Pursuit at the European Masters Track Cycling Championships
This is likely to be some time in September (hopefully not when I'm slogging across the Pyrenees!) and is my final outcome goal of the year. I'm a member of the Manchester Wheelers - a club full of quality riders. Being based in Manchester (home of the National Cycling Centre), they are fairly track focused these days. A good friend of mine, Ian, invited me to ride this event with them - but only if I can get fast enough! Fingers crossed, my endurance background along with speedwork throughout the summer, will help me make the team!
So that's my major goals covered. There will be others that I'll use on a weekly (microcycle), and monthly (mesocycle) - remember 'macrocycle' from Blog One?! However you'll see these as and when they get set!
OK, well done on getting through that. Pretty serious stuff! The next blog will have the programme of training that I'm going to use in it. Including cycling, strength training and flexibility training.
Au Revoir,
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